The project of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia


Emphasis on developing and upgrading of competences for academic teaching

Seminar: Peer Learning Activity on assessment of learning outcomes and educating the educators

A two-day PLA on the assessment of learning outcomes and educating the educators took place on 11-12 May 2017 in Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, organised by the project team of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.

The purpose of the PLA was to present both foreign and national experiences in the assessment of learning outcomes and educating the educators to participants.

The PLA brought together about fifty (50) participants, including the representatives of Croatian higher education institutions, foreign speakers, the representatives of agencies and institutes, as well as the representatives of the Ministry.

The participants were welcomed by Ms Ana Tecilazić-Goršić, Head of Sector for Quality of Higher Education, International Cooperation and European Affairs from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia. In her speech, Ms Tecilazić-Goršić wished participants a successful exchange of foreign and national experiences in the assessment of learning outcomes and educating the educators.

The topics of the first day included: effective pedagogical practices, supporting high quality teaching and learning as well as educating the educators in higher education.

The following presentations were held: “Effective pedagogical practices in higher education: The EAT Assessment and Feedback Framework – a pragmatic research-informed framework for implementation”, Ms Carol Evans, University of Southampton, United Kingdom; “Supporting high quality teaching and learning in higher education – an institutional approach”, Ms Liisa Postareff, University of Helsinki, Finland; “Pedagogical aspects in Slovenia EHEA1 and Slovenia EHEA2 projects”, Ms Katarina Aškerc Veniger, Centre for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS), Slovenia; “Academic profession competences: results, challenges and recommendations”, Ms Jasminka Ledić and Mr Marko Turk, University of Rijeka, Croatia; “Competences for Academic Teaching in Pedagogical, Psychological, Didactic and Methodological (PPDM) Education at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Osijek”, Ms Dubravka Božić Bogović, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia.

The topics of the second day were related to the assessment of learning outcomes in higher education.

The following presentations were held: “How can we link learning outcomes to teaching and learning activities and to assessment in higher education?”, Mr Declan Kennedy, University College Cork, Ireland; “Assessment guides learning”, Ms Blaženka Divjak, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

Speakers and presentations

Introduction to the Peer Learning Activity on assessment of learning outcomes and educating the educators

Ana Tecilazić Goršić
Ministry of Science and Education, Croatia

Effective pedagogical practices in higher education: A pragmatic research-informed framework for implementation

Prof. Carol Evans
University of Southampton

Supporting High Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education – An Institutional Approach

Liisa Postareff, PhD, Assistant Professor
Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE)
University of Helsinki

Pedagogical Aspects in Slovenia EHEA1 and Slovenia EHEA2 projects

Katarina Aškerc Veniger, M.A.
Senior Counsellor at CMEPIUS, Slovenia

Academic Profession Competencies: Results, Challenges and Recommendations

Professor Jasminka Ledić, PhD | Marko Turk, PhD
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Rijeka

Competences for Academic Teaching in Pedagogical, Psychological, Didactic, and Methodological (PPDM) Education at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Osijek

doc. dr. sc. Dubravka Božić Bogović
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University J. J. Strossmayer, Osijek

Declan Kennedy
University College Cork, Ireland

Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education

Prof. dr. sc. Blaženka Divjak
Faculty of Organization and Informatics
University of Zagreb